
Thursday, June 29, 2006


More found photographs.


Anonymous said...

happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

are you dumpster diving all of this? Thet's a lotta work. nice artifacts.

One day mining in garbage dumps will be on an industrial scale. So many raw materials just needing seperation. I think people have started. The undug dumps will remain for future archiologists.

I've been reading 'See you in the morning' It is really sappy! It is so far a pretty coherent story. I do like how he randomly inserts these little tangent descriptions that get surreal. It's intense.

I finished Sleepers Awake just a few weeks ago. lots of great parts but I found the ending a little weak. I like the ending of shy pornographer a lot.

have you read see you in the morning? It is so atypical but his voice is impossible to miss.

joe roivas said...

Nearly everything I find is on the street, if I see something that looks interesting sticking out of a dumpster I'll stop and investigate, but I don't dumpster dive that much any more, found some old police files in a dumpster in San Francisco once, maybe I'll post them soon.
Funny that you should mention archaeology, because that's how I describe what I do as 'surface archaeology' a speculative sociology, these are artifacts, objects of the everyday, sometimes I look at a photograph or shopping list and feel a certain closeness or empathy, but at the same time there is a distance...... I have read 'see you in the morning' it was Patchen's only attempt at a popular style novel and he hoped that it would sell, so he could pay back the publisher of 'Sleepers Awake' who had lost a large sum of cash, have you seen 'There's Love All Day' a small collection of Patchens love poems published in 1970 by Hallmark Cards, this was another compromise made to make money, when him an Miriam were constantly broke, he also tried his hand at Hollywood script writing....have you read Kenneth Patchen: Rebel Poet in America by Larry Smith, it's a good biography. Are you still looking for Patchen recordings, I have a few and can pass them on to you, let me know.