
Monday, March 21, 2005

Contaminated by the pathologies of capitalism

Shit! To try to describe the condition of language without assuming political accompaniments, linguistic unity without base economic motives, without the insensibility of a class that doesn't give a shit about slang literary choice. Fucking professors, neo paleo patriots, assholes up to their ears in knowledge. - Pasolini

To begin a non exploitive history in which art is something put to immediate human ends, rather than something destined for the brilliant collection, the dramatised auction room, the sanctuary of the museum, the graphic tomb of the expensive art book.

As men we must no longer take refuge in the cultural identities that has been constructed for us. We should fight against it with all our violence and love; at the same time struggle to understand it, because with understanding we can begin to know ourselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is why I dropped out of Art School recently. That, and my anxiety problems that I am supposed to but have not yet seen a doctor about.

Great Log B!